Saturday, 13 October 2012

Duped Vs. Quadruped

The diagrams below show the differences between the human bone structure and quadruped bone structures. Seeing various bone and muscle structures together in one diagram really helps show the difference in bone size and the angles in which the bone stands. The longer the leg, the less of a 'spring' the animal has; a cat will get a lot more height in a pounce than a horse will get in a jump in relation to its size.

The human bone structure and muscle is almost identical to that of a gorilla's. The only noticable difference is that a human stands erect whilst a gorilla stands huntched over. However, the basic mechanics are the same. Seeing that a gorilla's structure is a lot like a humans will make it a look easier to animate. Having already animated a human walk cycle last year, I can adapt my knowledge of what I already know to fit the movement of a creature on four legs.

This diagram will also help me adapt what I already know about a walk cycle. By showing a human's foot/hand in line with various quadruped's you can see where each point varies. Comparing a man and a cat you can see that the femur is a lot more arched up which in turn means the elbow is a lot higher. This will help me give the right personality to my quadruped ensuring that it won't only look like right, but also move realistically.

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