Tuesday 6 November 2012

Push And Pull

Moving on walk/run cycles, I have begun looking at other aspects of locmotion - this time looking at weight in animation. This week I have been working on the push and pull. Pushing and pulling are very good examples of weight and how we react when trying to move heavy objects. The body undergoes great strength when trying to push and pull something with a heavy mass. The whole body has to be used in order to successfully move a heavy weight and the strain on the body is very apparent to see by the shaking of limbs.

Before I begin animating I have again looked at reference videos to aid me. Most of the reference videos I could find were already animated so it gave me a good reference of how my finished animation should look. There were loads of videos to choose from but these videos (posted below) were the best for a clear and good looking push/pull. sequence.


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