Tuesday 6 November 2012

5th Walk Cycle

I'm still trying to perfect my walk cycle - without success. Below is the video of my 5th attempt and in my opinion the worst. This can barely be called a walk cycle.

The legs (both front and back) don't complete full cycles. It looks as if at one point the 2 front legs instantly switch places and so a hop occurs as in the previous cycle. The worst thing is is that the front legs are the success of this cycle; I don't even know how to describe the mechanics of the back legs. The fore-back leg starts to make a full cycle but then again it looks like a switch occurs. The back leg furthest from the camera swings back but then clicks back to the beginning without cycling and as this happens, the other back leg sort of loops but with a strange hop mid cycle. It feels as if the more I work on the walk cycle, the worse it gets.

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